High-level bridges - VM interface
Each provided interface is equipped with an FV_Name
AADL property. For example...
SUBPROGRAM mysimulink
my_in:IN PARAMETER DataView::T_FOR_SIMULINK_IN {encoding=>UPER;};
my_out:OUT PARAMETER DataView::T_FOR_SIMULINK_OUT {encoding=>UPER;};
END mysimulink;
FV_Name => "mysimulink_fv";
Source_Language => Simulink;
END mysimulink.Simulink;
Two ``bridge'' functions are generated per interface from aadl2glueC
/* Initialize the PI */
void init_FVName();
/* Invoke the PI */
void FVName_SubPrgName(
void *pInBuffer1, size_t iInBufferSize1,
void *pInBuffer2, size_t iInBufferSize2,
void *pOutBuffer1, size_t *pOutBufferSize1,
void *pOutBuffer2, size_t *pOutBufferSize2,
is the name of the AADL SUBPROGRAM that is used for the implementation
of the interface, e.g. mysimulink
in this example. aadl2glueC
would therefore
create the following functions for this example:
void init_mysimulink_fv();
void mysimulink_fv_mysimulink(
void *pmy_in, size_t size_my_in, void *pmy_out, size_t *pSize_my_out);
The VM code generator only needs to call these two functions per interface, to get access
to any interface's functionality. The ``init_FVName'' must of course be called only once,
to initialize the interface; the VM code calls it at startup.