PACKAGE DataTypes PUBLIC DATA POS PROPERTIES -- name of the ASN.1 source file: Source_Text => ("PosData.asn1"); -- Size of a buffer to cover ASN.1 representation: -- Real message size is 20; suggested aligned message buffer is... Source_Data_Size => 24 B; -- name of the corresponding data type in the ASN.1 file: Type_Source_Name => "TCLink"; END POS; END DataTypes;...and this one, from a UML Dataview:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rcm:Model xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:rcm="http://rcm" name="DataTypes" > <rootPackage> <ownedMember xsi:type="rcm:DataType" name="T_POS" Source_Text="PosData.asn1" Source_Data_Size="32" Type_Source_Name="TCLink" />The information kept per type includes the specific ASN.1 type (in this extract,
) as well as the specific ASN.1 grammar file (``PosData.asn1''). Also
included is "glue" specific information (e.g. the size of the message representation in the
selected ASN.1 encoding).
These files are of course impossible to write manually, so appropriate tools have been built to
that purpose:
and asn2uml