is the part of the
Data Modeling Toolchain responsible for this.
It employs a simple command line interface - it reads an ASN.1
file as input, and generates an AADL file as output:
AVALON:~/ASSERT$ asn2aadlPlus Usage: asn2aadlPlus input.asn [input2.asn] [...] outputDataSpec.aadlA sample usage scenario is depicted below:
AVALON:~/ASSERT$ ls -l total 16 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14273 2007-02-28 10:10 messages.asn1 AVALON:~/ASSERT$ asn2aadlPlus messages.asn1 Data.aadl AVALON:~/ASSERT$ ls -l total 36 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14273 2007-02-28 10:10 messages.asn1 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19245 2007-02-28 10:11 Data.aadl AVALON:~/ASSERT$ AVALON:~/ASSERT$ head -18 Data.aadl package messages public DATA T_CONTROLLER_FILTER_STATE PROPERTIES -- name of the ASN.1 source file: Source_Text => ("messages.asn1"); -- Size of a buffer to cover ASN.1 representation: -- Real message size is 286; suggested aligned message buffer is... Source_Data_Size => 288 B; -- name of the corresponding data type in the source file: Type_Source_Name => "T-CONTROLLER-FILTER-STATE"; END T_CONTROLLER_FILTER_STATE;As can be seen above, the utility will create an AADL package that contains data definitions for all ASN.1 types. It will also automatically translate ASN.1 type names to valid AADL identifiers (in the example above, dash (-) is not an allowed part of an identifier, so type
has been translated as
in its AADL definition). Finally, it will
create the largest possible versions of the ASN.1 messages (using the largest
posible values for primitive types and extending SEQUENCE OFs as much as
possible) and encode/decode them, to figure out the message sizes and the
memory requirements for using them. For this step to work, a valid
installation must exist, and gcc
must be accesible
from one of the destination directories in the PATH environment variable.
If your installation environment lacks gcc, you can use an online version of the tool, from: |